Submissions for Spiritual Anthology

Call for Papers:
Transgender Spirituality ~ Personal Journeys

Please forward this ?Call for Papers? to anyone you think may be interested in participating.

Deadline for submissions is March 21, 2005

A new anthology about our Spirituality is soon to be published. We are looking for submissions from people who identify as either Transgender, Transsexual, Intersex, Gender Queer, FTM, MTF, Butch, Femme, Cross-Dressers, Drag Kings, Drag Queens, Androgynous or beyond the traditional identifications as listed.

1. Name you wish to use in book ________________________

This information will be kept confidential:
Legal Name ______________________________________
Street Address ______________________________________
City, State, Zip ______________________________________
Phone ____________________________________________
Email ____________________________________________

2. Include a short biography (no more than 200 words) that lets us know how you identify in the Transgender Community.

3. For purposes of this book, we are also including some astrological information for each section that will not be linked to your essay.
Birth Date ____________
Birth Time ____________ AM or PM (circle one)
City, State, Country _____________________________

4. The submission regards your spirituality and not so much your birth religion or the church you may currently attend. Feel free to respond in any way you would like to be heard on this topic.
Your essay or poem can be any length that gets your point across clearly about your spirituality.

Some questions to help you think about how you may wish to formulate your essay or poem include:
Define your spiritual nature, experiences and practices.
Do you connect with your God/Goddess/Supreme Being/Spirit regularly?
Have the mainstream churches provided you with the spiritual connection you need or seek?

Editors: Bellezza Squillace, MsW, Ordained Minister, Feminist Astrologer

Marisa Folse, member of The Lost Boys Drag King troupe; MsW, Ordained Minister (May 2005)

For more information, contact the editors: