By Damon Romine
Entertainment Media Director
Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)
For 20 years, GLAAD has closely monitored LGBT
media images. The entertainment industry, by and
large, has churned out images of gays and
lesbians, and GLAAD has made great strides to
ensure these groups are represented fairly and
accurately. Transgender images are not as common
and represent a community that's still
misunderstood and ridiculed on screen and off.
IFGE needs a kind donation of a SVHS Video player.
Sadly our old machine has moved on to greener pastures and we need a
replacement to allow duping copies of some IFGE tapes from the high quality
masters we have in SVHS format. If anyone out there has a working machine,
or would like to donate a new one, we could sure use it.
Please note: This must be a SVHS not the more available VHS machine
West Hollywood, CA: Trans/Giving, a showcase and display of art, music, performance, and literature from trans/genderqueer/intersex artists, holds a special benefit show on Saturday February 19, at 7 pm at Great Hall in Plummer Park, located at 7377 Santa Monica Blvd. near Santa Monica and Martel. All proceeds will go to Aide To Sri Lankan Tsunami Victims (ATSLTV).
The Houston Transgender Unity Banquet will be held at the Westchase Hilton,Grand Ballroom, 9999 Westheimer in Houston Texas, on April 16, 2005. Cocktails and reception begin at 6:30pm, dinner will be served at 8:00pm. This years Guest Speaker will be Annise Parker, Well known out and proud lesbian and Houston City Comptroller.
Call for Papers:
Transgender Spirituality ~ Personal Journeys
Please forward this ?Call for Papers? to anyone you think may be interested in participating.
Deadline for submissions is March 21, 2005
A new anthology about our Spirituality is soon to be published. We are looking for submissions from people who identify as either Transgender, Transsexual, Intersex, Gender Queer, FTM, MTF, Butch, Femme, Cross-Dressers, Drag Kings, Drag Queens, Androgynous or beyond the traditional identifications as listed.
1. Name you wish to use in book ________________________
This information will be kept confidential:
Legal Name ______________________________________
Street Address ______________________________________
City, State, Zip ______________________________________
Phone ____________________________________________
Email ____________________________________________
2. Include a short biography (no more than 200 words) that lets us know how you identify in the Transgender Community.
3. For purposes of this book, we are also including some astrological information for each section that will not be linked to your essay.
Birth Date ____________
Birth Time ____________ AM or PM (circle one)
City, State, Country _____________________________
4. The submission regards your spirituality and not so much your birth religion or the church you may currently attend. Feel free to respond in any way you would like to be heard on this topic.
Your essay or poem can be any length that gets your point across clearly about your spirituality.
Some questions to help you think about how you may wish to formulate your essay or poem include:
Define your spiritual nature, experiences and practices.
Do you connect with your God/Goddess/Supreme Being/Spirit regularly?
Have the mainstream churches provided you with the spiritual connection you need or seek?
Editors: Bellezza Squillace, MsW, Ordained Minister, Feminist Astrologer
Marisa Folse, member of The Lost Boys Drag King troupe; MsW, Ordained Minister (May 2005)
For more information, contact the editors: housekeeper@the12thhouse.com
January 12, 2005
The Illinois House of Representatives today passed a bill prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation, voting 65 to 51. The bill addresses discrimination in employment, housing, lending and public accomodations and includes transgender people in its definition of sexual orientation. The Illinois Senate had already passed the legislation by a slim 30 - 27 margin on January 10.
Originally appeared in Transgender Tapestry #104, Winter 2004.
A Modern Day Christine Jorgensen
by Christine Beatty
Calpernia Addams is a woman you can?t help but notice. Even among the remarkable landscape of transsexual
women, she stands out. In some ways she is a new millennium version of Christine Jorgensen. She has adapted
marvelously to her unexpected role on The Big Stage, and she has used that position to educate others and
advance the cause of transgendered people everywhere.
Originally appeared in Transgender Tapestry #104, Winter 2004.
But It All Seems So Normal!
Here?s a brief overview of my life:
- For the past 13 years I?ve worked for a county agency as a behavior specialist. My job responsibilities include psychological and behavioral assessments, client rights investigations, and the development and monitoring of behavioral intervention plans. I work 40 hours a week and try to cram my other activities and nightly sleep into the remaining hours.
Originally appeared in Transgender Tapestry #104, Winter 2004.
by Monica F. Helms
So, this is the part of the column where Monica gets to be funny and clever. I get to spin words in order to bring the reader into a fantasy world, or create an alternative reality. It is my quarterly moment, my chance to escape into another realm, be creative, to dance within the beauty of the English language. It is the time when I open my soul for others to see.
Originally appeared in Transgender Tapestry #104, Winter 2004.
Dear Ari,
My partner and I are considering
having a woman carry our child through surrogacy. We?re not biased as to whether we have a boy or a girl, just as long as
the baby is healthy. What are your thoughts about having opposite gender role models in the child?s life? We?re aware of some studies that reflect that the children of gay and lesbian parents do very well socially, but we feel that our child, whether it be a boy or a girl, should get to know the ?culture? of the opposite sex. Is having our sisters and our own moms in the child?s life enough, or should we seek out another individual to be in his or her life?